本班針對多益測驗高階應試者的需求,特別選用朗文出版社專為進階學習者設計的考試準備用書Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test: Advanced Course (6th Edition)。本書每一章節分別就多益測驗的七大題型之一,作重點教育及訓練。在增強語言能力的部分,採用作者建議的LIPP教學法(Look at, Identify, Paraphrase, Personalize),讓學員能透過反覆的練習,熟練地運用多益測驗中經常出現的字彙及文法結構。在加強考試策略及技巧方面,本書對多益測驗的問題及答案選項,經過精密的研究與分析,故能教導學習者有效的應試技巧,提高作答效率,避免陷阱,締造佳
Week 1: Part 1. Photos (test strategies for Part 1, pronunciation tips, homophones, minimal pairs, varieties of English)
Week 2:Part 2. Question-Response (test strategies for Part 2, types of questions and responses, prepositions of time, space prepositions, how to avoid seemingly correct answer choices)
Week 3:Part 3. Conversations (test strategies for Part 3, how to scan and make use of the clues in the questions, adjectives and adverbs)
Week 4:Part 3. Conversations (how information is organized and presented in a sentence, the test strategy of “in other words”)
Week 5:Part 4. Talks (test strategies for Part 4, scanning test questions and answer choices)
Week 6: Part 4. Talks (major types of short talks and useful expressions)
Week 7:Part 5. Incomplete Sentences (test strategies for Part 5, question types, vocabulary and sentence structures, verb tenses)
Week 8:Part 5. Incomplete Sentences (prepositions and prepositional phrases, conjunctions, transition words, conditionals, phrasal verbs)
Week 9:Part 6. Text Completion (test strategies for Part 6, how to choose a sentence to complete a passage, related words, similar words, varieties of English)
Week 10:Part 6. Text Completion (comparatives and superlatives, special verbs, modals, verbal adjectives, pronouns)
Week 11:Part 7. Reading Comprehension (test strategies for Part 7, question types, types of passages, useful expressions)
Week 12: Part 7. Reading Comprehension (types of passages, useful expressions)
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Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test 6/e – Advanced Course。https://reurl.cc/OrveLX
Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test: Advanced Course (6th Edition) $775
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